lost conceptions

a chronological scrapbook of reflections

Third Year Lessons, Blessings

It seems as though every year comes quicker than the last. Another school year has gone by and I’ve been consistent with these reflections, so here are some lessons I’m taking from my junior year in college.

It’s been a trip, to say the least. I’ve learned a lot about people, relationships, and what it means to be loved. But the first I’ll share is:

It is okay to outgrow people, or to never grow with them in the first place.

Ever had it where someone seems cool, but hanging out with them just doesn’t feel natural? You’re anxious on what to say next, or you’re afraid they’re not going to like what you say..? I learned that these people aren’t really friends- and there’s no point in wasting any time on them. Trust your gut. You do not have to be friends with everyone.

If they were once a friend but lost along the way…. Once again, don’t waste you time. It seems harsh, but there must of been a reason they didn’t stick around. And it’s ok if that reason is your own fault. Nothing is meant to stay the same.

Invest in yourself (still learning)

This one is especially hard for me to grasp, but I’m trying. This year I’ve been surrounded by support unimaginable.. and I’ve still found myself feeling hopeless. I’ve learned that no matter how much external love you have, it will never be enough without internal love. You must invest in yourself, in order to invest in others. I’m still learning this lesson. Hopefully next year when I write these, I will have grasped this one more.

To love and be loved, feels oh so good.

This year I’ve learned the true meaning of love, and what it feels like to let love go. I lost a piece of myself this year. Saying goodbye to Nico has truly been the hardest pain I’ve endured thus far. But in exchange for letting go of one unconditional love~ I’ve gained a new one.

Mutual love is harder than one thinks it is to find. But when you do find it, you’ll never want to let it go. Relationships are a two way effort in keeping it afloat, but I think we have what it takes.

Aside from my romance, I’ve also learned a new level of friendship. This year I’ve learned what true and genuine inclusion and understanding feels like. I’ve found the exact type of friendships I’ve always hoped for. The friends I’ve spent time with this year are friendships I never want to lose. It is so important to find people who make you feel free, and never afraid to be yourself. People who bring you up, and support you in your darkest times.

Here’s to another summer spent with these beautiful people.~~

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